Bird Netting Solutions

across the Northern Rivers Region of NSW

Our team takes care of possum relocation and offers comprehensive bird netting for the control of pest birds in Casino, Kyogle, Yamba, Maclean, Grafton, Evans Head, Lismore, Ballina, Byron Bay, Ocean Shores and surrounding areas. Contact Northern Rivers Pest Control today for a tailored service that is designed to meet your needs.


Sometimes Possums move into our living environment making homes in our walls, roof cavities and subfloor areas. It can be entertaining at first, however as the population grows and the fights over territory begin, it soon starts to keep you awake at night and that’s no laughing matter.

Combine the noise with the damage possums can potentially cause to your home with the smell of possum faeces and urine wafting through your home and it’s time to call the professionals.

Bird Netting

At Northern Rivers Pest Control we offer solutions to pest birds nesting, roosting and defecating throughout residential, Industrial, rural and commercial areas utilising commercial bird netting designed and discretely installed for this specific purpose.

Our bird netting incorporates stainless steel infrastructure secured to the structure providing a strong long lasting foundation for our bird netting of choice to be fixed to this provides years of service maintaining the clean lines and appearance of the structure.

Contact us today for a free quote on bird netting. Just call 0266 832 458.


Sometimes Possums move into our living environment making homes in our walls, roof cavities and subfloor areas. It can be entertaining at first, however as the population grows and the fights over territory begin, it soon starts to keep you awake at night and that’s no laughing matter.

Combine the noise with the damage possums can potentially cause to your home with the smell of possum faeces and urine wafting through your home and it’s time to call the professionals.

At Northern Rivers Pest Control we are licensed to capture and remove possums from your home, this involves several different methods that we incorporate to cause minimal distress to the possums and may involve trapping, use of a one-way doors, surveillance systems, removal of vegetation, the use of access collars and proofing.

Proofing off areas accessible to possums is essential as we are not permitted to take the possum further than 50 meters from where it was trapped, this is of the utmost importance. Due to their territorial nature a new possum removed from its environment and introduced to a new location could become a victim of resident possum population resulting in life threatening injuries.

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